Wake County Legal Help Background

Attorney Volunteering

Latest Past Events

Attorney of the Day Volunteering

Wake County Courthouse 316 Fayetteville St., Raleigh

This event is for family law attorneys who want to volunteer to provide limited pro bono advice and service to Legal Support Center visitors who have been identified by staff as having a potentially meritorious issue that they cannot navigate on their own and do not have the money to pay for an attorney. Family […]

Attorney of the Day Volunteering

Wake County Courthouse 316 Fayetteville St., Raleigh

This event is for family law attorneys who want to volunteer to provide limited pro bono advice and service to Legal Support Center visitors who have been identified by staff as having a potentially meritorious issue that they cannot navigate on their own and do not have the money to pay for an attorney. Family […]

Attorney of the Day Volunteering

Wake County Courthouse 316 Fayetteville St., Raleigh

This event is for family law attorneys who want to volunteer to provide limited pro bono advice and service to Legal Support Center visitors who have been identified by staff as having a potentially meritorious issue that they cannot navigate on their own and do not have the money to pay for an attorney. Family […]